Are you following me on Pinterest? If not click on the picture above to head over there and follow me. I love Pinterest, it is a gorgeous representation of what could be for your wedding or party. But Ladies (and Gents), you have to make these things happen. You can click and pin all day long, but your belly won't be full and your table won't have a gorgeous set up unless someone steps in. You, or you and me together can make your own party worthy of a Pin. 

I love weddings and want to help as many of you with yours as I possibly can, but you know what, I love parties of all kinds and I want to help with those too. Next month I'm having a Tupperware Party at my place and while that wouldn't usually constitute a theme other than exceptional kitchen goods, I also know that my friends and I don't get together nearly often enough. So I'm going to go overboard. I'm telling you that right now. Vince will roll his eyes I'm sure and think I'm crazy. But I want to spoil us. Because only every so often do we get to be in the same room and we should have delicious food and beautiful napkins. And fresh flowers, yo. I just said yo, and I'm keeping it there, because that's how much I believe in this. 

So Pinterest. I've been on it and using it to tuck away some recipes and ideas. October in Michigan is basically synonymous with Apples. Apple Orchard trips, cider, donughts. All kinds of delicous stuff. And I love a good Pumpkin Latte or pumpkin bars. So we're going with a fall theme. Here's what MIGHT be there (click on image to link to their website):

Mini Caramel Apples from Domesticali
Pumpkin Cake Doughnuts from Flourish
Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls from Crazy for Crust
Pumpkin Hot Chocolate from Food Doodles
And those are just some sweets ideas! What are you pinning? Are you having a girls night this month?

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